St. John’s ROI: Where Quality of Life Flourishes


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Nestled along the rugged coastline of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John’s beckons with its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and rich history. As the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador, St. John’s is not just a place to live – it’s a way of life. Here, quality of life is more than just a concept; it’s a promise embraced by its residents and celebrated by all who visit.


From its humble origins as a historic fishing village to its modern-day status as a vibrant metropolitan hub, St. John’s has experienced remarkable demographic shifts, reflecting both local dynamics and global influences.

Source: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador

Air Quality 

St. John’s not only offers economic advantages but also provides a relatively healthy environment. The city’s commitment to maintaining air quality contributes to the well-being of its residents and businesses alike.

  • 1-3  Low health risk
  • 4-6  Moderate health risk
  • 7-10  High health risk
  • 10 +  Very high health risk

Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Public Transportation System

St. John’s offers public transit, taxi and ride sharing services. Unlike many cities, traffic jams are rare, making commuting hassle-free. On an average, it takes a little over 15 minutes to get around anywhere within the city.

Source: Statistics Canada

Lower Crime Rate

Unlike some other Canadian cities, St. John’s has a lower crime rate (especially gun and drug-related crimes). Although the rate seems to be trending upward, the index is well below 100.

Crime Rate Index (Base value = 100)

Crime severity index (2022)
Saskatchewan 152.46
Manitoba 146.49
Alberta 103.21
British Columbia 100.37
New Brunswick 86.16
Newfoundland & Labrador 81.04
Nova Scotia 74.67
Quebec 59.73
Ontario 58.47

Source: Statistics Canada

Labour Productivity

Investing in Newfoundland and Labrador means tapping into a thriving economy with a strong focus on productivity. Whether you’re a business owner or a resident, this province offers promising opportunities for growth. Labour productivity levels are much higher in NL compared to the national average.

Note: The annual provincial program of Canadian Productivity Accounts produces annual data on jobs, hours worked, labour compensation and a variety of related variables, such as labour productivity and unit labour cost by province and territory.

Source: Statistics Canada

Quality of Life

St. John’s residents are known for their friendliness. Neighbors become friends, and the sense of belonging is palpable. A life where modern amenities harmonize with coastal charm. A city where quality of life isn’t just a goal, but a promise fulfilled each day. Over 80% of the population in St. John’s rate their quality of life as 6 or higher. More than 50% rate 8 or higher.

Source: Statistics Canada